Afghanistan Currency Rate in Pakistan Today - AFN to PKR

Afghanistan currency rates in Pakistan today for your information. Get AFN TO PKR rates today:

Currency Converter

Afghani currency rates in Pakistan fluctuate daily depending upon different factors like import/export balance, country's economic condition, world events and number of others.

If you are interested to get latest AFN that is Afghanistan's major currency then you are at the right place. There is also an option to convert Afghanistan Afghani to Pakistan Rupees from the given widget. The rates are updated automatically so that you get the latest rates from here.

Afghanistan is a neighboring country of Pakistan and everyday thousands of Afghani businessmen and common people cross the border for trade and other purposes. The Afghan national possess Afghani currency that they need to change in Pakistani rupee to buy things and commodities from here.

That is why they are also very keen to know the latest AFN to PKR rates. Mostly Afghan trade depends on Pakistan and same is the case for daily use commodities as Afghani people are dependent on Pakistan for a great number of things.

So currency change from Afghani to Pakistani rupee is takes place much often and at large scale.

There are number of Pakistanis living and serving in Afghanistan and every year they send large amount of foreign exchange to Pakistan and when they send the money to their family then they check the AFN to PKR rates so that they know how much money they are sending and how much money in Pakistani rupee their family is getting.

About Afghanistan Currency

  • Currency Name: Afghani
  • Short For: AFN
  • Symbol: AFN
  • Unit: 1/100
  • Cent: Cent
  • Coins:
  • Bank Notes: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 Afghani

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